Wednesday, January 9, 2013

*RAVE* - Teavana Teas!

I recently walked into my local Teavana store, and was pretty much thrown into the world of tea. Now, I am an avid coffee drinker, and still am, at least in the morning. However, when I was introduced to the loose leaf tea world, I just had to dive in!
Basically, Teavana has all of these cast iron tea pots, infusers, tea makers, etc as well as TONS of loose leave teas to choose from! They come in all these categories: White, Flavored White, Black, Green, Rooibos, Mate, Herbal & Oolong teas.

I have five teas right now and pretty much love them all. I also bought their "Perfect Tea Maker" which is PRETTY nifty. You put the tea in, your sweetener, hot water, seep it for the recommended time, then you put the tea maker on any mug and the freshly brewed tea will come out onto the mug, leaving the loose leaf tea behind. It was only $20.00, and so easy to use!
My Perfect Tea Maker seeping tea!
My advice to all of you is to head to a Teavana store, sample some teas or just sample the aroma! It turned me onto teas in a BIG way! My current favorite: Watermelon Mint Chiller White Tea - AMAZING! I can't wait to try it iced!

Enjoy your tea times in a whole new way, folks!


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